A Most Remarkable Creature. The Hidden Life of the World’s Smartest Bird of Prey / Книга на Английском; Vintage books, 2022

628 грн.

  • Издатель: Vintage books
  • ISBN: 9781784701550
  • EAN: 9781784701550

  • Книги: Естественные и технические науки
  • ID: 12035825
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An enthralling voyage of discovery to meet a rare and mysterious bird of prey that puzzled Darwin, fascinates modern-day falconers, and carries secrets of our planet's deep past in its family history.

In 1833, Charles Darwin was astonished by a 'mischievous' animal he met in the Falklands: rare, crow-like falcons known today as striated caracaras. These clever, fearless birds of prey stole hats and valuables from the crew of the Beagle, and they seemed unusually interested in humans. Darwin couldn't understand why they were confined to a set of remote islands; but he set this mystery aside, and never returned to it.

Almost two centuries later, Jonathan Meiburg takes up the chase. He travels through South America in search of striated caracaras and their close relatives, from the fog-bound coasts of Tierra del Fuego to the tropical forests of the Guiana Shield, and reveals the wild and surprising story of their origins, their keen and flexible minds, and their possible futures.

Характеристики (13)

ИздательVintage books
Кол-во страниц370
Год издания2022
Обложкамягкая обложка
Количество страниц370
Тип обложкимягкая
Жанрнехудожественная литература
Возрастное ограничение16+
Количество книг1
ИздательствоVintage books

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