Too Much Information. Or, Can Everyone Just Shut Up for a Moment, Some of Us Are Trying to Think; Ebury Press, 2015

628 грн.

  • Издатель: Ebury Press
  • ISBN: 9780091928506
  • EAN: 9780091928506

  • Книги: Психология
  • ID: 12038552
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Bestselling author Dave Gorman thinks we're suffering from information overload. How much do we really pay attention to? What happens if you stop and try to take it all in? Dave intends to find out.

It's hard to imagine a world where anything you could possibly want to know about - and everything you don't even know you want to know about - isn't accessible 24-hours a day, seven days a week, with just a few taps of our fingers. But that world once existed. And Dave Gorman remembers it. He remembers when there were only three channels on TV. He remembers when mobile phones were the preserve of arrogant estate agents and yuppie twonks. And he remembers when you had to unplug your phone to plug the computer into the landline in order to use the (crippling slow) internet.

Nowadays of course, the world is full of people trying to tell us things. So much so that we have taught our brains not to pay much attention. After all, click the mouse, tap the screen, flick the channel and it's on to the next thing. But Dave Gorman thinks it's time to have a closer look, to find out how much nonsense we tacitly accept.

Suspicious adverts, baffling newspaper headlines, fake twitter, endless cat videos, insane TV shows where the presenters ask the same questions over and over.

Can we even hear ourselves think over the rising din? Or is there just too much information?

Характеристики (13)

ИздательEbury Press
Год издания2015
Обложкамягкая обложка
Кол-во страниц334
Тип обложкимягкая
Количество книг1
Количество страниц334
Возрастное ограничение16+
ИздательствоEbury Press

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