Книга: In A Good Light (Chambers Clare); Arrow Books, 2021

570 грн.

  • Издатель: Arrow Books
  • ISBN: 9780099469186
  • EAN: 978-0-09-946918-6

  • Книги: Современная проза на английском языке
  • ID: 13699234
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Without even noticing, Esther Fairchild has become locked into routine.

Living with her adored brother, Christian, she divides her time between illustrating children's books, nightly shifts as a waitress, weekly visits to her father and fortnightly meetings with her married lover.

Then one day she encounters a face in the crowd which jolts her out of her mundane existence and makes her question both her life and the past that has helped to shape it. Memories she had long chosen to forget begin to resurface. Memories of an eccentric childhood in a large and shabby house, where the children were left to fend for themselves within the loose boundaries of their parents' unorthodox values. A chaotic existence peopled by a rich collection of feckless 'guests'.

And into this shambolic world came Donovan - regularly deposited by his unreliable mother - and Penny, Christian's girlfriend and Esther's idol. Until tragedy struck and shattered their joint existence. But now, it seems, their lives are about to become intertwined once more . . .

Характеристики (13)

Год издания2021
ИздательArrow Books
Кол-во страниц506
Обложкамягкая обложка
ИздательствоArrow Books
Тип обложкимягкая
Количество книг1
Жанрпроза на иностранном языке
Количество страниц506
Возрастное ограничение16+

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