TIMES: Newspaper Reading Course of Advanced Chinese. Volume 2 / Таймз. Курс по чтению. Продвинутый уровень. Часть 2; Beijing Language and Culture University Press, 2014

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It is a Chinese textbook for elective course for CSL students, one of the newspaper reading course books in the series of “Times” published by Beijing Language and Culture University Press. Volume 2 is an advanced level book targeted at students in the last semester of the third year. Based on the new idea of compiling Chinese newspaper textbook, it selects with meticulous care the latest international issues in newspaper and provides myriad types of supplementary study methods so as to help students of intermediate and advanced levels to rapidly improve their abilities of reading Chinese newspaper and advanced Chinese in general. It also helps them get to know Chinese society at the same time. Taking the question types of the reading comprehension section of HSK as references in its exercises, it can also be used to review this section in HSK of the intermediate and advanced levels. The pamphlet attached to the book has the detailed explanation of the idioms in each lesson and the answer keys.

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幼年就被列反革命分子 中學被下放農村住鬼屋 受鄧小平女兒賞識 與趙紫陽關係友好 為何仕途被陷害無法回中國?程曉農博士親述看清中共真面目歷程。 @democraticTaiwanChannel

GOVERNMENTS and UFO SECRETS (Disclosure of Truth Coming..?)

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ИздательBeijing Language and Culture University Press
Год издания2014
Размеры18,50 см × 26,00 см × 1,20 см
ТематикаДругие языки
Кол-во страниц200

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